960 de sportivi de la 88 de cluburi din România şi străinătate au participat la ”Transylvania Karate Cup - 14th WUKF European Champions Cup ”, care a avut loc la Cluj-Napoca, pe 16 şi 17 decembrie.
Transylvania Karate Cup - 14th WUKF European Champions Cup a fost organizata sub egida Federatie Romane de Karate WUKF ,clubul Politehnica, dar şi conducerea FRK WUKF, toţi sportivii membri ai cluburilor FRK WUKF, alături de prietenii şi colegii lor din cele 16 ţări au inchieiat anul competitional printr-un eveniment de exceptie organizat pe perioada a doua zile la Cluj Napoca .
Sectia de karate Shotokan coordonata de sensei Dragos Chiru 4 dan a bifat podiumul international de 25 ori ( 5 aur. 9 argint . 11 bronz ).
" Am avut o ultima etapa grea in care cei 20 sportivi deplasati s-au comportat remarcabil ! Am avut si cateva evolutii marcante printre care Ban Karolina care si-a consolidat rezultatele remarcabile obtinute la Campionatele Mondiale si Europene , prin cucerirea medaliei de aur la kumite invidivual SENIOARE , facandu-si cel mai frumos cadou de ziua ei , titlul european si prima medalie internationala la categorie senioare ."
Vreau sa le multumesc si sa ii felicit pe toti sportivii care au facut posibile aceste ultime rezultate. - a declarat media sensei Dragos Chiru .
- LOCUL 1 -Kata Team - Male | Cadets A | All Belts |16-17 Years | All Styles
- LOCUL 3 Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Male | Shobu Ippon Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years
- LOCUL 1 -Kata Team - Male | Cadets A | All Belts |16-17 Years | All Styles
- LOCUL 3 - Kumite Individual - Shobu Ippon - Male | Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years | Open Weight
- LOCUL 3 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Male | Shobu Ippon Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years
- LOCUL 1 -Kata Team - Male | Cadets A | All Belts |16-17 Years | All Styles
- LOCUL 3 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Male | Shobu Ippon Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years
- LOCUL 1 - Kumite Individual - Shobu Ippon - Male | Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years | Open Weight
- LOCUL 1 - Kumite Individual - Shobu Ippon - Female | Seniors | All Belts | 21-35 Years | Open Weight
- LOCUL 2 - Kata Team - Male | Cadets B | All Belts | 14-15 Years | All Styles
- LOCUL 2 - Kata Team - Male | Cadets B | All Belts | 14-15 Years | All Styles
- LOCUL 2 - Kumite Individual - Shobu Ippon - Male | Cadets B | All Belts | 14-15 Years | Open Weight
- LOCUL 2 - Kata Team - Male | Cadets B | All Belts | 14-15 Years | All Styles
- LOCUL 2 - Kumite Individual - Shobu Ippon - Male | Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years | Open Weight
- LOCUL 3 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Male | Shobu Ippon Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years
- LOCUL 2 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Female | Shobu Ippon Mini Cadets | All Belts | 13 Years
- LOCUL 4 - Kata Individual - Female | Children G | Brown To Black | 12 Years | All Styles
- LOCUL 2 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Female | Shobu Ippon Cadets B | All Belts | 14-15 Years
- LOCUL 2 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Female | Shobu Ippon Cadets B | All Belts | 14-15 Years
- LOCUL 2 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Female | Shobu Ippon Cadets B | All Belts | 14-15 Years
- LOCUL 3 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Male | Shobu Ippon Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years
- LOCUL 3 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Male | Shobu Ippon Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years
- LOCUL 3 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Male | Shobu Ippon Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years
- LOCUL 3 - Kumite Team Rotation - Shobu Ippon - Male | Shobu Ippon Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years
- LOCUL 3 - Kata Individual - Female | Children D | Green To Black | 9 Years | All Styles
- LOCUL 3 - Kumite Individual - Shobu Ippon - Female | Cadets A | All Belts | 16-17 Years | Open Weight